What we do

We offer a range of services to help you create the perfect working environment.

Crafting the Ideal Office Environment

We know that a well-crafted office space is vital for business success. That's why we provide a range of services customized to your needs, ensuring a smooth and inspiring workspace transformation. Our expert team of designers, craftsmen, and project managers collaborate to create a tailored office environment that boosts productivity, promotes well-being, and showcases your brand.

Specialist Services

Explore our diverse range of solutions designed to meet the needs of the even the most demanding of projects
Partitions & Ceilings
Partitions & Ceilings

Our partitions and ceilings services provide versatile and attractive solutions that cater to your specific requirements. We work with a variety of materials and designs to create visually appealing and functional spaces that suit your business needs.

Lighting & Electrical
Lighting & Electrical

We offer comprehensive lighting and electrical services to ensure a comfortable and energy-efficient workspace. Our team of experts will design and install custom lighting systems, as well as manage all aspects of electrical work to meet your project's requirements.

Furniture & Seating
Furniture & Seating

Our furniture and seating solutions are designed to maximize comfort and productivity. We provide a wide range of ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing options to create a workplace that is as unique as your business.

Kitchens & Canteens
Kitchens & Canteens

We specialize in designing and installing contemporary, functional kitchens and canteens tailored to your business's needs. Our team works closely with you to create a space that promotes employee well-being and fosters a sense of community.

Floor Coverings
Floor Coverings

Our floor covering services provide a range of durable and elegant options to enhance the look and feel of your workspace. From carpets to vinyl and beyond, we ensure the perfect flooring solution for your office environment.

Climate Control
Climate Control

We understand the importance of a comfortable working environment, which is why we offer climate control solutions tailored to your office's specific needs. Our systems help maintain optimal temperature and air quality, promoting a productive and healthy workspace.


Our washroom solutions focus on functionality, cleanliness, and design. We work with you to create modern and efficient facilities that meet the highest standards of hygiene and aesthetics, ensuring a positive experience for employees and visitors alike.


Effective acoustics are essential for any workplace, and we offer tailored solutions to improve sound quality and minimize noise disruptions. Our team will assess your office's unique needs and implement strategic measures to create an optimal acoustic environment.

Ready to Transform Your Workspace?

Get Started with Our Expert Team Today

Take the first step towards a better office space. Reach out to our team today for professional assistance in designing and executing your project. Call us at 01773 828 585, email us at sales@sciltd.uk, or complete the form and we'll get back to you promptly.